A Brief Account on the History of Sleep Masks

Over the years sleep masks have kept their original form and functionality but at the same time, as people have found new uses for them, they have new additional functions as well.

An example is a sleep mask that helps you to lucidly dream, has been developed. When a person reaches the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, these sleep masks will emit lights and produce sounds. These stimuli will tell the person that he/she is in a dream which will trigger lucidity.

Sleeping masks can be used to deprive your visual stimuli by depriving the sense of sight; you can enhance your other senses like a greater appreciation for music or increasing tactile sensitivity. Lack of sight is a great aid for meditation, by blocking out the world and its distractions you can concentrate on yourself by meditating.

Sleep masks are useful in relieving claustrophobia in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) patients. MRI scanners tend to undergo stress of undergoing these tests, which is often relieved by sleep masks. You will get a sleeping mask that is big enough to fit in your entire head, with ear muffs, a pillow in the back and will also stop your hair looking disorderly when you wake up. You also get smaller masks with ear pillows that will block out any sound intrusion. You will get a facial mask made of foam and that conform to your facial contours. New magnetic facial masks boost blood circulation, increase melatonin production and relieve sinus pressure. You can find sleeping masks in all types of colors, styles even shaped like cats and unique children’s designs.

Based on the Harvard University conducted survey in 2015, the experts have stressed on the need for sleep and that ‘power napping’ is directly related to the worker’s productivity. Power napping refers to midday naps that last 30 to 90 minutes.

The study indicates that a nap gives a bonus slow wave and REM sleep, which will boost motor skills as well as memory retention and acquiring perpetual task skills. Worker performance does deteriorate naturally throughout the day, but this can be stopped by a small nap. A nap is useful for people who work irregular shifts, because they face sleep difficulties.

According to a study done by the Science Daily, people who sleep regularly in the afternoons have 37% decrease in the risk of cardiac death. Among men who work, the figure was a surprising 64% reduction. Napping is crucial so sleep masks are equally important. Taking a midday nap when sun is shining, though the room is dark, it is difficult and this is where the sleep mask is useful. Sleep mask help people to sleep by doing, so they are beneficial for maintaining health. Whatever your need may be, you can have the perfect sleep mask for you. To fine the best one, you are suggested to read sleep mask reviews.